5 Ways to Make Work Friends When Working Remotely

If you work remotely and find yourself feeling isolated or lonely, reaching out to old friends can be helpful. Even if you haven’t spoken in a while, they’ll likely be happy to hear from you and catch up. There are also lots of groups on Meetup.com that you can join.

  • We have advice on making remote work friends when chatting in the kitchen or stopping by someone’s cubicle is out of the question.
  • Pretty much all companies have a “random” or a “break room” Slack channel, but anyone who frequents it knows that the environment feels much more controlled than in real life.
  • Because, you know, working from home, it does have its benefits, like a flexible schedule and time freedom and, hey, you get to choose whether or not you want to wear pants.

Looking for one person to connect with can help make a difficult project feel less overwhelming, and help improve your mood and creativity at work. Making these adaptations is critical because friendships https://remotemode.net/ make work fun—and fun matters. Having fun unleashes creativity, which leads to better ideas. Genuine, trusting relationships improve productivity in today’s collaborative work environments and industries.

How have you met friends outside of the office? Tell us how you did it below!

You can’t expect your job to be 100-percent enjoyable all the time. It’s work after all, generally defined as the exertion of mental or physical energy. Things that are relaxing and easy all the time, like watching Netflix, generally do not come with a salary. Still, most of us spend more time at work than anywhere else; enjoying it matters for your overall well being. At work, many people spent more time with colleagues than with their own families.

  • We’ve traveled together, and spent many a day with their grandkids, children, and spouses.
  • Log in to your LinkedIn account and search for Social Networking + your interest, your profession, etc. in Groups in the search bar.
  • Receive job search tactics to find the best opportunities for you and tips for crafting your resume for remote-friendly employers.
  • If you’re spiritual, consider joining a church group.

If you’re working online, even a simple introduction in a group chat will let other colleagues know that a new joiner has arrived. The next time you interact with them, it will be less awkward and you can start building a relationship. Friendships are also an important element in building a positive company culture that promotes productivity and creativity. It is much easier to reach out and ask a friend for help rather than someone who is just another colleague.

How to Make Work Friends When You Work Remotely

Working from home has its benefits, but it also has its problems. Working remotely, or away from an office, may make it harder to form friendships with coworkers. The key here is to break the silence and start a conversation. Most people don’t mind talking, especially colleagues. After all, both of you are part of the same organization. Humans are social creatures who crave social interaction, so don’t let the silence hang heavy in the air.

Speak up, especially about the successes of colleagues and those on your team. When you can go into the office for meetings and social events, do so. “Would any of these relationships even exist if we’d worked together the way people have over the past 20 months—via Zoom, Slack, text, and email?

How to Make Friends If You Work From Home

For example, it might look like you’re not paying attention if you’re taking notes during a Zoom meeting, so let people know what you’re doing. Speak up during Q&A sessions, or even when logging in and greeting everyone. For this, going up and introducing yourself how to make friends when you work from home is always the best way to make friends. This will develop the foundation for future relationships, especially if you will be involved in cross-departmental work. Also, you may find unexpected common interests or friends in common around the office.

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