How to Flash Stock ROM Using Asus Zenfone Flash Tool

just to ascertain whether you feel comfortable or are getting over your head. If you are running any custom ROM, jump to the next step. This tutorial is based on the official ASUS unlock tool that only works under stock Android L. Migrations from stock M are know to have issues with both sim cards not being detected. If you are running Android M you can downgrade (links below provided). Custom ROMs bring out a new experience to your mobile devices.

  • Here are the details of the firmware which brings the latest security patch for Asus ZenFone Max M2.
  • All the Gapps Applications are the property of Google.
  • In some routers, this feature includes Parental Controls.
  • You can check the forum post for detailed discussions and user reviews regarding the PE ROM before downloading and flashing it.
  • Once you imported the file, click the “Upload” button.

On the Clients List, any unresolved clients will pop up a page from the IEEE’s OUI (Organizational Unique Identifier) database if you click on the MAC address, i.e. This is nice when looking at connections on the router and wondering which clients they represent. While the lookup doesn’t provide a device’s actual name, the OUI Lookup will show the vendor that the MAC address belongs to. But Merlin isn’t just about bugfixing; Eric has added a few features, too.

  • Mixing the two, understandably, might lead to unexpected issues.
  • Another one of Merlin’s built-in features is the system wireless log, featuring a real-time snapshot of which devices are connected to your network.
  • But as we know, Android is open-source and that gives more power and benefits to users to customize their smartphones with endless possibilities.

Sometimes, the line between download stock firmware firmware and an operating system is blurred, and you can call the two interchangeably. For example, the firmware of Synology routers or Netgear’s gaming ones is so advanced that folks call those operating systems. Specifically, the firmware has low-level — more direct and crude — access to the hardware. It’s geeky and closely related to a device’s physical components. Every tech gadget or electronics has to run on a piece of software.

asus z010d stock rom

The point is you need to remember where you put this firmware file. And that brings us to how you can put Merlin on your supported router today. In short, there’s no risk in using Merlin if you don’t mess up the firmware migration process or expect tech support from Asus. Still, remember that mixing hardware of different versions, let alone variants, will likely result in unexpected issues. Here is the list of current Asus routers, at publication time, that you can put Merlin on — click on the link to read their reviews.

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